NORTANA is a non-profit organization for researchers and teachers involved in Norwegian language, literature, and area studies. It promotes the study of Norwegian and Norway at all levels, and works. Our organization has approximately 150 instructors and researchers of Norwegian all throughout North America and Norway, including university and college affiliated members, instructors in adult education, as well as members of the community at large. Several prominent colleagues in Norway are designated honorary members.
How to join
If you are interested in joining our organization, please complete the membership form online and send payment to the address listed.. If you have any questions about membership, please contact Gergana May, NORTANA treasurer.
Membership prices
Membership (for graduate students and community education instructors) 1 year is $12, 3 years is $30.
Membership (for all others) 1 year is $15, 3 years is $40.
Membership includes
A yearly membership includes the option of being added to our email listserve. This listserve provides a wealth of information on current job postings, book reviews, funding opportunities, events, etc. A travel grant is offered to members of NORTANA by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New York Consulate General. Details are forwarded via the listserve.